+43 664 3344111 office@21st.at


      To shape the future, we need to know where we are and where we want to go. To trailblaze new paths requires challenging assumptions and looking for new angles and approaches to inspire creativity and innovation.

      I offer support on the following aspects of strategy development:

      • Developing a perspective on future trends relevant to your business
      • Identifying your purpose and mission
      • Discovering the common goals on which to build competitive advantage

      I focus on:

      • Developing a common understanding of future trends and the future shape of the industry, not making the mistake of framing the discussion in only the current context
      • Considering relevant stakeholder expectations and how they might change
      • Creating different potential futures for the company to-be (service, value proposition, organisation,,..) à to enable a real strategic choice
      • Helping with making a clear and unanimous decision on which direction to go to avoid a pro forma consensus
      • Supporting the translation of this strategic intent into focused action

      For this, I create tailor-made solutions for strategy processes for business units and globally. I engage the various executive and management levels in the strategy evolution. This work can include customized learning journeys to answer core questions of strategic innovation.